This is Trishy, our beautiful 13 year old girl. She is the most loving, energetic, happy and kindest friend I have ever had. In 2017 she was diagnosed with breast cancer and underwent surgery. It was Tharanga who helped Trishy with long distance Reiki. I know Trishy really felt better and her pain reduced after the sessions. Tharanga continued to send Reiki to Trishy through out her 10 month battle with cancer.
So a heartfelt thank you Tharanga for making my girl happy again. She is no more in pain and smiling at us as she is chasing butterflies in doggie heaven.
– Ashantha
Thank you Tharanga, for your genuine care, love & service. Inner peace is what I experience after your reiki sessions. Tharanga worked with me while I was undergoing fertility treatment. A stressful time in my life. I had just lost a baby, and my mind was far from content. Her reiki sessions were something I looked forward to, they kept me focused, hopeful and energised. I’m happy to say that despite 6 miscarriages I managed to get pregnant & deliver a beautiful baby girl. Reiki healing touch delivered by a lovely compassionate lady definitely changed my life. – Ruvini
It is with great gratitude that I write this testimoniàl on Tharanga’s reiki healing sessions.
Tharanga helped me with distance reiki while I was going through a tràumatic period in my life due to the diagnosis of a life threstening illness. I was nervous, anxious and paranoid to an extreme end when Tharanga first started sending me distance reiki and it helped me to calm down the nerve wracking tension inside me, and get grounded. This empowered me to face my treatment sessions with a hopeful heart and a brave mind.
Tharanga has the ideal personality that I would look for in a healer/ therapist. A radiant generous smile with warm gracious personality coupled with the most gentle welcoming words.
I thank her whole heartedly for helping me while I was walking in the darkness and wish her all the very best in her future endeavours. – Asia